Sunday 19 April 2020

Drawing Alkenes

When given the name of an alkene, we need to be able to draw them. For this assessment, it is useful to draw them around the C=C double bond, as this is where polymerisation occurs. This video goes through how you draw an alkene from its name.

  1. It has "ene" in the name, so draw a C=C double bond, and four bonds (2 off each carbon atom)
  2. Use the number in the alkene part of name to number the far-left carbon atom
  3. Use the prefix (but-, pent-, hex- etc.) to build the rest of the carbon chain. Number every carbon.
  4. If it says cis, make sure the carbon chain is all on the same side of the C=C bond (above it or below it on the page. If it says trans, make sure the carbon chain goes across the C=C bond, like in the picture and video.
  5. Add any side chains to the appropriate carbon(s) - you had already numbered the carbon atoms so this should be easy :)
  6. Fill in all of the hydrogen atoms to the vacant bonds.

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